Thousands of Pet’s Lives at Stake… even yours!

Bound Angels Blog

The utter dismantling of The Hayden Law is a death sentence to countless thousands of animals at risk in the California shelter system.  The modifications of this law will remove the most important and primary rights that animals need to stand a chance at rescue and adoption. I have seen the benefits of this law first hand and am enraged …

The Hayden Law at Risk…

Bound Angels Blog

Many of you who read this post may not life in California where this law is in effect, but I urge you to read on anyway. The Hayden Law SB 1785, written in 1998 by Tom Hayden is one of the most progressive laws for shelter pets anywhere.  It came into effect in July 1999.  It requires shelters to hold …

Working Together

Bound Angels Blog

Over the years I’ve seen so many people approach rescue with their hearts bleeding and only hoping to do the right thing.  In fact, one thing I see over and over again is people starting their own non-profit rescue organization in an attempt to do it better than the others.  It is always their goal to do more than the …

Goodbye Puppy

Bound Angels Blog

Some just hit you harder than others… It was over two years ago that a case came to my attention that would change my life.  A case in which a dog had been isolated for 14 months in an LA County Shelter after being condemned by the court and sentenced to death.  It took us a 14 month court battle, …

in the news

Bound Angels Blog

I’m not sure if any of you have seen the two segments that are online from the KTLA Cup O DiCarlo show that featured Bound Angels, but if you missed it, here are the links: 8AM 9AM–Cup-O¿¿¿-Di-Carlo:-Ventura-County-Animal-Shelter-(9am) I gotta say Henry DiCarlo is a class act and did a great job featuring our mission on his show. We …

The Disposable Dog

Bound Angels Blog

We live in a society where just about everything is disposable including our glass bottles, shoes, clothing and yes – dogs! I remember days (this makes me sound old) when things were repaired and not thrown away.  I remember taking my shoes to the shoemaker for a new pair of soles, in fact I still do that; and glass bottles …