Playgroups for Dogs Training

Dog Playgroups Save Lives – Bound Angels University

Bound Angels Blog

Undoubtedly, one of the most important things to help dogs in shelters is playgroups.  At Bound Angels University we encompass the dog playgroup training into our university program and spend our third day on teaching and handling all sizes, breeds and types of dogs in playgroups. Dogs need to be social in order to thrive in the world and one …

Flirt Poles in Shelters

Bound Angels Blog

Although flirt poles or prey sticks have been around for many years, it seems that Flirt poles are the newest fad for exercising dogs.  It seems whenever something new comes along to “help dogs”; its main intention is to make the training of the dog easier for the human.  It is stated “exercising a dog on a flirt pole for …

Shelters Need More People and Less Dogs

Bound Angels Blog

I’ve worked with many shelters both here locally and across the US.  One thing that is lacking in all shelters is volunteers.  With the exception of a small humane society in northern Arizona, most shelters have a skeleton staff of volunteers that can be relied upon.  Most people want the glamour of saving dogs but don’t understand that it takes …