I’ve always said that there are two types of people in the world: those that say it can’t be done and those that are busy doing what others say “can’t be done.” I’m happy to see so many shelters nationwide embracing tools that help save lives.
Last week I was invited to speak to SAWA (the Society of Animal Welfare Administrators) in St. Louis. It was just what I love to do; share our mission with other like-minded people. The room was filled to capacity and I am still receiving emails and phone calls from shelter managers all across the US and as far away as Australia. The topic of the lecture was Selling Used Dogs and all of the info was taken directly from my book by the same name. We covered the Shelter Angel Video program, the incentive based adoption programs that we tested and succeeded with here in LA, the photography session as well as a host of other topics. It seems as though the 1 1/2 hours flew by and afterwards there were a crowd of very interested people asking more questions. I wish it had been an all-day event.
To date we’ve distributed hundreds of copies of Selling Used Dogs both digitally and in soft cover. And, Desperate Dogs Determined Measures seems to be catching up very quickly. Many of the top shelter managers, directors, and behaviorists have this book on their desks and are using the lessons provided to save even more dogs. Both books are available through www.lulu.com as well as amazon.com and bn.com
If you haven’t read a copy, do so… and then share it with someone else!
Thanks to everyone for your part in saving lives…
join the revolution!
The most exciting part is that our programs are working their ways into more and more shelters and with your help we can take this mission to the next level. This year I’d like to bring Shelter Rescue Workshops to at least two shelters in the US. If you know a shelter or group of shelters that would be interested in our life-saving work, please drop me an email.