A Surprise at Camarillo

Bound Angels Blog

We were scheduled to save Gordita, the sharpei at the Camarillo shelter. So after a long morning I drove out there to find the shelter closed. I rang the bell and Edward came out and offered to help. I told him that I was coming to pick up the dog in kennel 88, Gordita. He went inside to check and came back to tell me that she was adopted last night. What great news. Sounds strange, but whenever I hear of a dog getting a home, I am so happy. Someone to love her and care for her, but more importantly, someone to experience this amazing level of love that you gain when you save a life. Whoever you are and where ever you are Gordita… I wish you well.

On another happy note, a man, Norm, pulled up in a truck as I was there. I asked him what he was doing. He said he was there to drop off a rat. He had caught it in a humane trap and wanted it drop it off. I’m thoroughly convinced he had no clue that the rat would be killed at the shelter. He did the right thing using a humane trap, but the shelter would be a mistake. I asked him if I could take the rat. Together we drove a few miles up the road to a beautiful open field. I took the rat, in the trap out of his truck. She was a beautiful brown field rat that looked quite relieved. I opened the door, she scurried past my hand and ran free through the field. I thanked Norm and he thanked me. What a nice man to give a stranger and a rat the chance to do something good.