This is exactly what happened in Delavan, Wisconsin today June 30, 2010. There were some 200 geese living on the lake committing the greatest crime they could – sh1tting… These geese were considered a nuisance by some members of the community, but not by all. In fact some people stood up to fight for them. I am proud to know Rebecca who spearheaded this fight. Not only was a humane solution suggested, but volunteers were ready to do much so more. This wasn’t good enough for Dorothy Burwell town chair of Delavan or park supervisor Herb Sessner.
I spoke to Dorothy on the phone and she, being such a humanitarian, said the massacred geese would be given to the food bank to feed the poor. She assured me she is a “real” animal lover who even spent $1000 on a rescue cat. Imagine that, spending $1000 on a rescue cat and then condoning the killing of 200 innocent geese…what a hypocrite! Comes to find out that the city spent somewhere near $4000 of taxpayers money to kill the geese. That’s about $20 per goose from what I imagine. I guess a couple of boxes of mac and cheese wouldn’t be enough. But since Dorothy is the ever-humanitarian, perhaps she can volunteer to de-feather the geese and cook them up in her kitchen and have these poor people of Delavan over for a big feast.
The idea was to whittle down the numbers so that the humans could enjoy the lake without too much poop. Well, these human will be walking on bloody soil today instead of feces. All 200 geese were massacred today under the cloak of the USDA, which by the way condones puppy-mills and has allowed its fair share of tainted e-coli meat and produce to kill American citizens.
For those who tried to stop the killing, they were met by police officers that held the them back. Sort of reminds me of Nazi Germany.
All I can say is that Ms. Dorothy Burwell and Park Committee Supervisor Herb Sessner are murderers whose hands drip the blood of innocent animals. I only wish someone would dump the carcass of these 200 dead geese in their front yards. They are sad excuses for human beings and have no compassion for life other than there own. Dorothy’s blatant lies and circle logic should buy her an e-ticket out of office and I would hope no one would ever elect her to office ever again. For that matter, I would hope she would feel the pain she inflicted on these innocent animals.
I applaud Rebecca and all of the people that stood up for the fight. One goose survived. May her life be a testament to the massacred others, and may we one day live in a world where all animals have a right to be free, not only the animals with the biggest guns.